It’s the National Moment of Chill!

January 23rd, 2012

That sounds great, doesn’t it? Not just a moment of chill, but a national one that we’re all in on? Well, it’s happening today, 12 noon, wherever you live. And I have to thank my positive pal Tara Drake for spotting it because I, for one, am in!

Picture yourself taking a time out on this bench. Ahhh, just chillin'. (Image: Hungtington Gardens, 2011, by Amy Spencer)

Here’s the deal: Aura Cacia, a maker of natural and organic essential oils, has identified today — January 23rd — as one of the most stressful days of the year, because our New Year’s resolutions are starting to slide, our credit card bills are in from the holidays, and the snowy, rainy days aren’t yet giving it a rest.

So here’s what they suggest: Today, at 12 noon, on whatever coast or whatever country you’re in, step away from your computer and take 15 minutes to chill out. I’m going to do it and I want you to join me! You know why? Because it’s time we took a moment to appreciate all of our own hard work, and sat back to enjoy what we’ve acccomplished — even just for a few minutes. That’s what happiness is all about! So set your iPhone alarm or your kitchen timer for 12 noon today. When it goes off, chill.

• Take some deep breaths.
• Stretch your arms up over your head, and bend over and stretch out your back and legs.
• Go for a short walk. Buy yourself a hot herbal tea or a flower to put on your desk.
• Or sit down in the park or lie down on a couch.

Whatever you do, do it away from your laptop.

Rest. Relax. Get happy.

Big love,


Oprah & Self Magazine So Love Bright Side Up!

January 20th, 2012

Holy cow, word is really spreading about my next book Bright Side Up! This week, two amazing national magazines recommend my upcoming book.

First, check out the February 2012 issue of O Magazine and you’ll see that Bright Side Up made #3 on Oprah’s list of “10 Titles to Pick Up Now.” Ahem, I think you should take her advice, don’t you? You can order the book here.

And second, check out the February 2012 issue of Self Magazine. They say, if you want to love your month, pick up Bright Side Up to help you do it!

Pre-order a copy of Bright Side Up on, or find one on bookshelves near you beginning February 7th.

Happy reading!

Big love,


Plug in Headphones. Turn up. Press Play. Let Happy Flow!

January 19th, 2012

Okay, this is getting ridiculous.

My friend Brandon, who works in the music industry, blasted this song for me over a year ago. I have now Shazam-ed it three times on my iPhone in my car. Three times. The third time was today, at which point I turned it up super loud, opened the windows, smiled, and danced in my front seat all the way home. So if you don’t already know this song “Young Blood” by The Naked and the Famous, it’s time you did.

Are you ready? Plug in your headphones. Turn up the volume. Press play. Then let the happy flow. The lyrics? No idea. And I’m too happy singing, “Yeah yeah yeah yeah…” to take a break long enough to look them up.


Here’s to music putting us on the fast-track to feeling good!

P.S. If you don’t know Shazam, holy cow! It’s an app that you can hold up to any song, and it will tell you the name of it in about ten seconds. Run, don’t walk, to the app store!

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Big love,

Stop and smell, well, the roses

January 18th, 2012

I was walking along the Venice canals with my family recently. At one point, I leaned down to smell some flowers, and I thought, “Now this is what life is all about. Really stopping to smell the roses.” And that’s when it hit me that I was actually smelling…roses! A whole hedge full of them!

I got such a burst of happy in that moment that I wanted to recommend it to you.

Stop. Smell. Resume walking. (Image: Venice canal roses by Amy Spencer)

Of course, it doesn’t need to be roses. But stopping to sniff, study or touch a flower, a plant or a tree on a walk reminds us of what a vibrant, bursting, interesting planet we live on. Yes, we’ve got problems—on the personal, national and universal levels. But in any given minute on any afternoon, there’s a world full of alive out there that goes beyond us. Give that world a second of your time. Those boring old bushes at your company’s front door? Look at them. Those flowers on your neighbors fence? Sniff ’em. That thick old tree that you can’t image not being on your block? Study it.

Stop for a few seconds to smell the roses and it will feel like you’re adding ten times that to your day. And if you can find a rose, for goodness’ sake, friend, stop and smell it!

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Big love,

Check out!

January 18th, 2012

Okay, now that you’ve seen the book trailer, check out the brand new website for my upcoming book BRIGHT SIDE UP: 100 Ways to Be Happier Right Now. May I introduce to you…!

Poke around, read some free excerpts straight from the book before the book is on shelves. And if you’re not signed up to get the happiest email you’ll get all week, my Vitamin Optimism, git yerself on the list!

I can’t wait to tell you more about Bright Side Up, and I can’t wait for you to be able to actually read it. You can pre-order the book now on or And then, come February 7, you just might find yourself living a superbly happier life without having to make a major change to your life at all.

Thanks for your awesome love and support. Here’s to a big, bright week!

Big love,