Cheering each other on


Well, my book Bright Side Up: 100 Ways to Be Happier Right Now will be on bookshelves tomorrow. Which means that today is the last day to be officially cool and pre-order the book on Amazon!
The good news is, for the people who already have the book in hand, they’re loving it…
O, The Oprah Magazine recommends it this month, as one of “10 Titles to Pick Up Now” in the magazine, and online, one of “17 Books to Watch For in February.”
Also, Self magazine recommends it, saying you can spread a little sunshine with the “get-happy” tips.
Judy Dutton gave a rave review of the book on her blog Brain Candy on PsychologyToday.com , saying the “warm, engaging tone will make you feel like you’ve got a new best friend in your corner, cheering you on.”
And most recently in magazines, Shape magazine featured my book, saying you should “place this engaging new book on your reading list”:
And there was this wacky one: my face (literally) in the pages of Star magazine giving celebrities advice on seeing bright side up:
There’s been big love from the blog world, and I want to thank you for that. Rachel Wilkerson wrote the wonderful review “Reading Into It: Bright Side Up“:
Nicole Argento Gonzales wrote the post “Bright Side Up” on Truth + Fairytales:
Today, Stephanie Dolgoff, who’s hilarious book My Formerly Hot Life was on The New York Times’ Extended Bestseller list, allowed me to guest post on her with her “Help Finding the Bright Side” post on FormerlyHotLife.com:
And The Student’s Life recommends the book this month, too:
So pre-order your copy of the book today, or get it on bookshelves tomorrow!
Oh, and if you have a blog and you’d like to review the book, contact me! (Click “Email Amy” over on the right there, or find my info on the “About Me” tab on the site.) If you want me to do a Q&A about the book for your site or you want to use Bright Side Up for your book club and have me Skype-join you for a meeting, I might be able to do that, too!
Either way, I hope you get a chance to read the book. And I wish you a big happy day and a positive future.
Big love,

We Should Purr, Too!

I was reading in bed this morning with my little kitty Guinness fast asleep on my belly. This, if you don’t know her, is Guinness:
She’s nine years old and only six pounds with no teeth! (She had to get them all pulled last year when we adopted her, poor thing.) Well, after I turned a page, I put my finger on her tiny paw and petted it. Just for a second. And from her deep little slumber, she started to purr like a big, steady motor.
That’s how Guinness. She purrs all the time. And it only requires the tiniest provocation to get her to do it. Give her a quick glance and say her name? Purr. Pat the couch and call her over? Purr. Pick up her bag of food? Purr. Even the vet said that after they pulled all her teeth and she woke up groggy out of her anesthesia, she opened her eyes and purred!
Thinking about that this morning made me wonder: Why don’t we purr this easily in life? Why does it take us so much more to feel happy?
Here’s what I think we could do: Let’s think like Guinness for a day. Every time we see or hear or taste or feel or touch something that is good, let’s imagine a little purr of happiness inside. When you take your first sip of hot coffee in the morning? Purr. When you get a green light? Purr. When you greet your good friend? Purr. When you put on a soft, warm pair of socks at the end of a long day? Purr.
If we’re really paying attention, we could have our motors going all day long, just like Guinness does. They do say cats really life the life, right? Well, I think we can, too.
Did I cover the good stuff in my little list there? What makes you purr on a regular day?
The Little Things That Make Me Happy
Big love,

Be Brave

“We’re afraid to be turned down, so we don’t ask. We’re afraid someone won’t like our song, so we don’t play it. We’re afraid to be thought foolish, so we don’t ask questions. We’re afraid we’ll be bad at explaining it, so we don’t stand up and try. Well, here’s a different idea: Let’s show fear what we’re made of and give ourselves a chance to see what we can do. Because facing a fear brings reward no matter what. You’ll be rewarded with success, or you”ll be rewarded with pride that you tried. Either way, you win.”
—from the upcoming Bright Side Up: 100 Ways to Be Happier Right Now. (out Feb. 7, 2012!)
Be inspired. Get happy. Order yours today!
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Big love,

It’s the National Moment of Chill!

That sounds great, doesn’t it? Not just a moment of chill, but a national one that we’re all in on? Well, it’s happening today, 12 noon, wherever you live. And I have to thank my positive pal Tara Drake for spotting it because I, for one, am in!

Picture yourself taking a time out on this bench. Ahhh, just chillin'. (Image: Hungtington Gardens, 2011, by Amy Spencer)
Here’s the deal: Aura Cacia, a maker of natural and organic essential oils, has identified today — January 23rd — as one of the most stressful days of the year, because our New Year’s resolutions are starting to slide, our credit card bills are in from the holidays, and the snowy, rainy days aren’t yet giving it a rest.
So here’s what they suggest: Today, at 12 noon, on whatever coast or whatever country you’re in, step away from your computer and take 15 minutes to chill out. I’m going to do it and I want you to join me! You know why? Because it’s time we took a moment to appreciate all of our own hard work, and sat back to enjoy what we’ve acccomplished — even just for a few minutes. That’s what happiness is all about! So set your iPhone alarm or your kitchen timer for 12 noon today. When it goes off, chill.
• Take some deep breaths.
• Stretch your arms up over your head, and bend over and stretch out your back and legs.
• Go for a short walk. Buy yourself a hot herbal tea or a flower to put on your desk.
• Or sit down in the park or lie down on a couch.
Whatever you do, do it away from your laptop.
Rest. Relax. Get happy.
Big love,

Oprah & Self Magazine So Love Bright Side Up!

Holy cow, word is really spreading about my next book Bright Side Up! This week, two amazing national magazines recommend my upcoming book.
First, check out the February 2012 issue of O Magazine and you’ll see that Bright Side Up made #3 on Oprah’s list of “10 Titles to Pick Up Now.” Ahem, I think you should take her advice, don’t you? You can order the book here.
And second, check out the February 2012 issue of Self Magazine. They say, if you want to love your month, pick up Bright Side Up to help you do it!
Pre-order a copy of Bright Side Up on Amazon.com, or find one on bookshelves near you beginning February 7th.
Happy reading!
Big love,