I just watched my own video again for kicks. I can’t help it, it makes me happy! Maybe because it’s the one I made for the release of my latest book, about how making a “happy life checklist” can affect your life in the smallest, coolest way. Maybe because I feel such a sense of accomplishment that I pulled it off, with a video that I think is as cute in real life as I imagined in my head. Anyway, when it directed me to YouTube to watch it, I noticed how many people had viewed it, and it made me smile again. Look:

Can you see? It says that at the time I was watching it, 7,777 people had viewed it. That’s a lot of 7’s! Hello, lucky. I got such a kick out of that. Moment = awesome. It was a sudden reminder for the day that we need to direct ourselves to more of those seconds more often. Because they’re happening all the time, everywhere, no matter what.
Sitting at my desk right now, for instance, I notice there is a pretty shadow of tree leaves on the floor from the window light. And as the leaves move, the shadow dances. Moment = awesome.
So I ask you this: What’s around you? Right now. Maybe…
You’re in a long line for a coffee and it’s not moving very quickly. But when you look up from checking Instagram, you notice there is a framed poem on the wall. You read it. It’s beautiful. Moment = awesome.
You’re waiting for a client who is running late, so you’re stuck in that weird limbo between stopping your last project and starting your next one. But in that limbo, there is rest. It’s quiet. And you can close your eyes for ten seconds and take a big, deep breath. Moment = awesome.
You see a comment on your Facebook post from an old high school friend. Instead of skipping past it, you picture yourself back in those echoing halls, where you’d chat by your lockers, wondering where the mad merry-go-round of life would take you. You were good friends then. And look at that, you’re still in touch. Stopping by to support each other in the comment section now and then. Moment = awesome.
If you could use a push to find your own small little moments throughout the day, you can always watch the video I made, too. In fact…I’ll imagine that you do watch it. And that you will smile at some point while you do. And that it will inspire you in just the right way, so that today or tomorrow, you will see or hear something that makes you feel sweet as jam for even a minute. And the thought that this will happen? Me, picturing that moment for you? It’s awesome.
Big love,