I know I’m usually giving you something on the site. Today, I’m asking for something instead. And if you’ve already read Meeting Your Half-Orange or are well into it, I’m talking to you! Why? Well, because I’d really love your help.

Please, will you help spread the half-orange word? (Image: AS; Shirt: Anthropologie.com)
I want to express to potential readers what my book is really about so they’ll know if they should read it. Some people have already given the book great reviews on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com (thank you!), and nothing would make me happier than to add more reviews to the mix. Nothing will help spread the half-orange word more than a grassroots, tell-a-friend approach, and a book review is a powerful way to do just that.
And so I ask you this big favor: Will you review my book? On Amazon.com, just click here on Amazon.com’s Meeting Your Half-Orange page and scroll down to the “Customer Reviews” part, then click the “Write Your Own Review” button. Equally, if you’re a reader of other bookseller’s sites, a review elsewhere, i.e. on the BarnesandNoble.com Meeting your Half-Orange page, would make me equally happy.
Here’s the thing: I want you to be honest. I’m not asking you to put up a five-star review unless you think it deserves one. If you loved the book and it’s changed the way you feel about yourself or dating the way so many of your kind emails to me have said it has, please say so. And if you didn’t like the book for some reason, say that instead. I think it’s just so hard to get a feeling for what’s behind the front cover of a book from reading a short description on a web site. I know that hearing from those of you who’ve actually read my book will give other singles a greater sense of what it’s like.
It does take a few minutes—you have to create an Amazon.com reviewer profile if you haven’t already. But look at it as a way to help spread some love in the world. Think of all the single people out there who want a relationship and don’t know where to turn for advice. Should they buy the book? I think it will help their lives immensely. Do you?
And if you do put up a review, I’d love to know about it. Just click the “Email Amy” link at right, below the yellow Post-It Twitter feed and email me so that I can personally thank you. (And yes, I’ll even thank you if it’s not a glowing review!) Trust me, I know your time is valuable. But I also know that for people who want a relationship, it’s important to come at it with the right attitude about yourself and dating, and that’s why I take time as often as I can to offer these optimistic posts. Your honest review on Amazon.com or elsewhere could really help some other people out there get in the right frame of mind.
Consider this a random act of optimistic kindness for the day. Help your fellow singles. Tell them if you think my book will lead them toward what they want right now: love. The more you know, the closer you’ll get.
Big love and thank you, thank you, thank you,