Your dose for today…

Take just a few positive steps today. (Image: AS)
“I’m an optimist. I’ve always believed the future is going to be better than the past. And I also believe I have a role in that. The great thing about human beings, myself in particular, is that I can change. I can do better. If you can get up every day, stay optimistic, and believe the future is better than the past, those few things get you through a lot of tough times.” —Jeffrey Immelt
I love how he puts this and how right he is. Optimism isn’t something you either have or you don’t. It’s something you can start doing today, right now. Believe your dating and love future is going to be better than the past. It’s simple, but it’s hard. So don’t expect things to change in a snap! Just take it step by step by step, whether you’re wearing Converse Chucks or a pair of heels. This morning, for instance, forgive yourself for past mistakes, or forgive others for hurting you. If you want it to be so, your future will be better than your past.
Big love,