Live Flirtatiously!

My friend Maura Kelly has been writing a fabulous blog for Marie Claire magazine called “A Year of Living Flirtatiously.” Don’t you just love that?

Life could use a little more flirting

Life could use a little more flirting (Image by Gusto,

One of my favorite recent posts was one called “6 Tips For Flirting at a Party Full of Strangers. In that post, she tells how she met a blogger at a party and impulsively asked him out from across the room with a big smile on her face. Her friendly “what have you got to lose” approach worked like a charm! The next day, she posted this wonderful story called “What Do You Have to Lose If You Don’t Flirt? Everything! And this is some of what she passed on:

“Not to sound like a maniac or anything, but every time we miss a chance to meet someone, we miss an opportunity to change our lives!

The world is full of human potential. Brimming over with it! So, while we have world enough, and time, let’s get ourselves out there!

All of us could benefit from doing that—not just the swinging singles amongst. us. Because even if you are married, going steady, or otherwise involved, there may be a new best friend out there—or a new mentor—or a new protegee—just waiting to be discovered by YOU.”

What I love so much about Maura’s blog is that she’s made a thoughtful, conscious decision to put herself out there. Sure, sometimes the guys she meets turn out to be boring or stuffy or self-centered or uninterested or just not quite the right fit. But you get what you give, right? And if you want a life full of new people, sexy moments, fun coincidences, and fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants dating experiences, you can make that happen by becoming the person those things happen to! Become a friendly outgoing flirt for a minute and you may find you bring friendly outgoing people straight to you.

Now, you don’t have to be a flirt to find love, absolutely not. And this approach is not for everyone. If you’re shy or reserved, you needn’t force yourself to put on a new uncomfortable hat to meet a new kind of person. But I think that every once in a while, if you’re feeling like life isn’t giving you what you want, just know that you have the power to change what you give life! Maybe, just maybe, it’s worth trying. Live a day flirtatiously and see how you feel.

As Maura Kelly says, “Let’s carpe ourselves some diem, shall we?”

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Big love,

Amy Signature 4

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