This past weekend may have been the last on the beach for some of us. But it taught me something about how to handle big, crashing things—in the water, in life.

The bigger the wave, the bigger the challenge. (Image: AS)
I was having fun jumping up and over some waves, but every now and then a big one would come smashing onto me. And one time, instead of ducking under it or diving through it, I turned around and tried to retreat. Um, bad idea! I got pummeled by it even harder.
It reminded me of a lesson I already know: Never go backwards in life.
Instead, do this: Dive forward, through it. Regression isn’t good for your soul. More forward and challenge yourself to be more.
When life throws some problems crashing your way, it’s tempting to want to turn around and run the other way the way you would a big wave, but you’ll only get pummeled by the problem, or your own guilt, or your lack of trying. When loneliness hits, it’s tempting to hole up, retreat and wallow in it. Don’t. Dive through it over dinner with your very best friends. Come up through the rough part on the other side, smiling, and let it crash behind you. When you’re looking at who to date, use your ex-perience so you don’t date your “ex” all over again—figuratively or otherwise.
Don’t go backwards in life. Dive forward through the tough parts to the sunny clear part on the other side.
Big love,