Posts Tagged ‘hope’


Hopes That Reach the Sky

Monday, November 8th, 2010

Today, I’m inspired by a friend of mine, Nicole, who started a gorgeous blog called Truth + Fairytales. Kind of what we all need to know the difference between in dating, too, huh.

Nicole, a former coworker of mine, is one of those girls who’s always wearing the cutest thing while her hair falls in just the most naturally enviable way, with a creative talent you wish you could bottle. So I wasn’t surprised to love her latest post called Hopes that Reach the Sky. The post is about another cool blog she stumbled upon called The Beginning, which is full of sharp, inspiring or spot-on quotes presented in delectably artful ways.

Nicole posted her favorites on Truth + Fairytales, and I adore her choices. So my suggestion today is to check both blogs out and skim them for a few minutes to see if you find something that speaks personally to you. Sometimes when you’re feeling lost or buried under or mildly hopeless in life or love, just seeing that someone else has felt something you’re feeling can make all the difference.

One of my favorite quotes, for instance, is presented on the image of a little girl hiding behind a balloon. It says:  “I’ve finally discovered that my greatest fear is not being alone; it’s being vulnerable.” Amazing, right? Because when you figure out something big like that, it can change how open you feel with others every step of the day.

Find yourself an insight that resonates with you like that, and here’s to your hopes reaching the sky.

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Big love,

Retrieve Your “Lost” Optimism!

Friday, November 27th, 2009

You Lost fans will love this one. I’m only now catching up on the past few seasons in crazy marathon-mode. And the last episode I watched—Season 3, Episode 10, featuring Cheech of “…and Chong”—was about Hurly as a young boy (when he was called Hugo). Hurley had flashed back to a time his father and he were fixing a car—but before they had, Cheech put his son in the car, gave him the keys and told him to try turning it on.

Cheech Marin is big on high hope

Cheech Marin is big on high hope

Little Hugo knew the car couldn’t start. “It’s stupid,” he said. “Without a new carburetor, it’s not gonna work.” This is what Cheech said:

“Having hope is never stupid. You gotta believe good things will happen, and then they will. Understand what I’m saying? In this world, son, you gotta make your own luck. Alright?”

Unfortunately for little Hugo in the show, the father then took off on a motorcycle, not to be seen or heard from again for 17 years. But hey, that’s the worst case scenario. And it’s TV. You on the other hand, have a chance to get so much more out of this Lost lesson.

Take those words in. Really think about them for a minute. They are, in a sense, what my book Meeting Your Half-Orange is based on. It’s based on the essence of hope: how we’ve all been trained by hurt and disappointment to believe that it’s easier to just give up and stop hoping; we think that if we don’t hope, the disappointments will hurt less. But the fact is, if you look at your future as a road full of bad things to be survived, that’s all you’ll see. You must, as Cheech says, “You gotta believe good things will happen and then they will.”

If you look for the negative, you’ll find it. You’ll attract it. But if you look for the positive, you’ll find that and attract that. Hope is never stupid. Embrace your lost optimism and watch the world start bringing you good stuff again.

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Big love,

Amy Signature 4

Oh, Sherri: Her Lessons in Love!

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

So I had to watch Sherri last night (on Lifetime)—those previews of Sherri Shepherd slinging hilarious one-liners sent me straight to the DiVo record button. And I have to say, I thought the show was really funny and really sweet. I actually laughed out loud a few times, and how often does that happen from a supine position on the couch…

Picture 1

Go, Sherri! (Image:

What I loved most about it? Sherri came off as strong, wise and funny as hell, but she also showed us that side we all have: when you’re unsure of what’s coming next. When you’re tired of being beat down by life, of being sad or single. When you just want to put your head on your dad’s shoulder and say, “I need a pep talk.”

In fact, let’s let the show give us a pep talk, because what I saw were some great lessons about life and love:

